Won’t You Be My Neighbor?


This work references Scott Warren and the organization No More Deaths in Arizona. In January 2018, Warren, a volunteer with No More Deaths, was arrested and charged with a felony for harboring migrants after Border Patrol allegedly witnessed him giving food and water to two migrants near Ajo, Arizona. The mission of this humanitarian organization, is to end death and suffering in the Mexico–US borderlands through direct aid that extends the right to provide humanitarian assistance, which includes leaving water jugs in the desert for immigrants. Border Patrol has been filmed pouring these jugs out in the desert. 

I use hand-painted signs and reference the US-Mexico border heavily in my work. By using Mr Rogers as a reference, I am trying to turn the idea of “neighborly” and “home” on its head by directly speaking to the American dream (a home with a white picket fence) and the dictum “good fences make good neighbors.”


Wall Pieces